30 September 2008

First Orchard Visit

This past weekend, we took V to her first orchard. We met some friends there, too, with their little boy. It was so much fun. I was really surprised with how much she enjoyed the small farm and interacted with all the animals. From our experience at the State Fair, I did not have very high expectations for V and the livestock. Here is a little diary of our day:

One of the first things we saw when we walked in, just past the big chicken coop (complete with a few ducks and geese) was a perfectly set up hay bale area for the obvious photo op. Excellent!

Or not so excellent.

Sorry honey, we will remove you from the evil that is baled hay and take you to see some animals? Let's just prepare ourselves for more screaming because, just like at The Miracle of Birth Center at the State Fair, this place has cute tiny animals to make the babies cry.

There were a few pens with some very young kids in them. The farm/orchard is set up to encourage the visitors (and children!) to really interact with the animals by petting, feeding and holding them. She seemed particularly engaged with one pen of kids, so I tried my luck. Success! She absolutely loved them and didn't want to leave the pen.

Then we watched the piglets running around the farm, finally stopping to attack their pumpkin prey in the pasture.

After a little bit of lunch (that took a little longer than planned since a key element of V's lunch was not included in the diaper bag, sending Beau on a trek into town) we decided to embark on the tractor wagon ride with our friends. We sat right behind the tractor and the noise didn't phase her in the least. She did enjoy sitting next her her little guy pal, though.

Along the ride, we made a few stops to learn about the different crops and farming techniques, we even got to pick our own gourds. V got to nibble on a freshly picked bean, which she loved.

We also got to bring home some broom corn and few of us even got extra gourds...

After the wagon ride, we took the opportunity to get a photo of our little Pixie amongst the farm pumpkins. We let her crawl around the pumpkins a bit and she had a blast.

I choose this one!

Now, how do I get this thing outta here?

Just because we were feeling particularly sadistic, we thought we'd venture towards the hay bales of doom once more. You can't have too many photos of your little girl crying amongst fall props, now can you?
Huh, I guess she warmed up to them, maybe hay isn't so bad after all.

Well, it was a long, but really fun day. She blew right through nap time, but really was her usual fun good-natured little self the entire time. I know we will definitely return to this little orchard and might even make it our yearly tradition. Until then, it is time to call it a day. See you later...

1 comment:

Kristie said...

She keeps getting more and more gorgeous!